Dorothy B. Hughes有三部小说改编成了电影这是其中之一。这不是一部以情节见长的黑色电影这是一部有独特风韵自成一格的黑色电影。用落后的墨西哥边陲小城的淳朴风土人情来反衬战后美国唯利是图金钱至上的叵测人心。旋转木马是无法回去的童年美好记忆,印第安姑娘就像是梦中拯救我们的精灵。
In the bordertown of San Pablo, preparing for an annual "Mexican Fiesta," arrives Gagin: tough, mysterious and laconic. His mission: to find the equally mysterious Frank Hugo, evidently for revenge; or is it blackmail? FBI agent Retz is also after the elusive Hugo. Everyone in town is enigmatic, especially Pila, a mystical teenager who follows Gagin around and has premonitions of his death. Also involved are a classic femme fatale and an antique carousel with a pink horse...