2006年11月1日下午5点45分,Adrienne Shelly的丈夫回到曼哈顿的家中,发现他妻子的尸体吊在浴室里挂浴帘的杆子上。起初,人们怀疑她是自杀,但是尸检很快证明这是一起谋杀。几天后,一个19岁的拉美非法移民被警方逮捕。他是一个建筑工人,当天下午在Adrienne Shelly楼下的房间里施工。她向他抱怨噪音太大了,两人争吵起来,他就把她杀了,从她的皮夹里取出钱后离开。Adrienne Shelly死时刚满40岁,她自编自导自演的电影《女招待》(Waitress)刚刚拍摄完成,正在后期制作。她没能活着看到她的电影大获成功。
Adrienne Shelly用这部电影表达了女性生存的艰难,以及对于幸福生活的追求和向往。她的被杀加重了这个主题的现实意义。尽管电影本身拍得非常温暖和明亮,但是很多人看完电影后,都非常伤心和感动。在她的死后,她的丈夫建立了一个Adrienne Shelly电影基金会,专门资助女性电影工作者。
Dear Baby,
If I was writing you a letter, it would probably sound something like an apology.
I know everyone deserves a mama who"d want a nice baby such as yourself, who was also a good wife, a fine member of society. And I can"t rightly say that I"m any of that, and I"m not sure the world is such a fine place to be bringing you.
Many of the people I"ve met are not worth meeting. Many of the things that happen are not worth living through.
And you shouldn"t take it personal, baby, if I don"t seem like all the other mamas-to-be, jumping all over themselves with joy. I frankly don"t know what I got to give you, baby.
What if I leave Earl and don"t win that contest next week and don"t have no money? What the hell am I going to do with you then?
You sure is getting fat, baby. All my life, baby, the only thing I ever want to do is run away. What kind of mama is that?
I wish I could feel other things, baby. Like excitement that you"re with me now or faith that I"ll be a good mama, even if my life ain"t such a good place and the world as I see it ain"t so pretty like they"d have you believe in this book.
Anyway, I"m writing this letter to you. It sounds more like a letter to me, don"t it?
Love, Mama.